MACC Web Program

1. Conversation 5 - Asking directions

Asking the way

You will learn simple Japanese for asking directions on the street.

Model Dialogue

Sumisu : Sumimasen. Chikatetsu no eki wa doko desu ka.
Nihonjin : Chikatetsu desu ka. Êto, massugu itte, tsugi no shingô o migi desu.
Sumisu : Massugu itte, migi desu ne.
Nihonjin : Sô desu. Sugu desu.
Sumisu : Dômo arigatô.

ス ミ ス:すみません。ちかてつの えきは どこですか。
にほんじん:ちかてつですか。ええと、まっすぐ いって、つぎの しんごうを
ス ミ ス:まっすぐ いって、みぎですね。
ス ミ ス:どうも ありがとう。

English Translation

Smith: Excuse me. Where is the subway station?
Japanese: Subway? Let’s see.... Go straight on, and turn right at the next signal.
Smith: It’s straight on and to the right, correct?
Japanese: That’s right. It’s close.
Smith: Thanks a lot.


1) chikatetsu : subway
2) eki : station
3) doko : where
4) Nihonjin : Japanese person
5) massugu : straight on
6) itte : go, and
7) tsugi : next
8) shingô : traffic light
9) migi : right
10) sô : so
11) sugu : soon
12) Dômo arigatô. : Thanks a lot.

2. Grammar and Structure

How to make a question (with a question word)

In a Japanese sentence, a question word usually comes after the topic of the sentence.

Eki wa doko desu ka. : Where is the station?

Eki wa Doko desu ka.
As for the station
(or I’m talking about the station)
Where is it?

* Examples 1: Asking where it is.

1) Toire wa doko desu ka.
2) Erebêtâ wa doko desu ka.
3) Esukarêtâ wa doko desu ka.

4) Uchi wa doko desu ka. * uchi: home
5) Reji wa doko desu ka. * reji: cash register

* Examples 2: Asking how much it is.

6) Kore wa ikura desu ka.
7) Sore wa ikura desu ka.
8) Osaka made ikura desu ka.

3. Exercises

Vocabulary building 

Learn the following words.

1) toire / o-tearai: toilet
2) deguchi: exit
3) kippu uriba: ticket office
4) takushî noriba: taxi stand
5) erebêtâ: elevator

6) chûshajô: parking lot
7) uketsuke: reception desk
8) kurôku: cloakroom
9) 5 bansen: platform 5
10) suitchi: switch

Replace the words and ask where the following items are.   

Example: <Toire> wa doko desu ka.

1) toire / o-tearai: toilet
2) deguchi: exit
3) kippu uriba: ticket office
4) takushî noriba: taxi stand
5) erebêtâ: elevator

6) chûshajô: parking lot
7) uketsuke: reception desk
8) kurôku: cloakroom
9) 5 bansen: platform 5
10) suitchi: switch

4. Exercises 2

Reading the map

Read the map and answer the questions in Japanese. Use "massugu", "massugu itte", "migi", "hidari" (left).

1) massugu: straight on
2) migi: right
3) hidari: left
4) massugu itte: go, and
5) shigô: traffic light
6) ôdan hodô: pedestrian crossing

1) Eki wa doko desu ka. --- <M _ _ _ _ _ _>desu.
2) Gasorin sutando wa doko desu ka. --- Massugu < i _ _ _>, < h _ _ _ _ _ >desu.
3) Ginkô wa doko desu ka. --- Massugu < i _ _ _>, < m _ _ _ >desu.

5. Task

Make a dialogue for asking directions.

Unit 23-Conversation 5 - Asking directions
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Kaiwa (かいわ) Conversation